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Shakti Goddess Grove is a gathering place for women to support and inspire and empower each other as daughters of the goddess. We will gather for goddess inspiration, movement, sound healing, channeling, ritual, healing arts and creative arts to empower the divine feminine in us all. We would love to have you come play with us!


During late winter and early spring we focus on the second and fourth chakras. The womb and the heart activate during this time. We will focus on goddesses of the ocean, rivers, and healing waters. These are all goddesses of the womb. Around Valentine’s Day we will invoke goddesses of love and compassion. As women our womb and heart are deeply connected. The workshops during this season explore the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects that come forth for healing.


During April we will focus on the first and fifth chakras. In order to open the throat for creative expression, we need to be deeply grounded with our roots in the earth. We will be inspired by the goddesses representing the green and growing things of nature. The workshops during this season explore the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of expression and grounding that come forth for healing.


During the time of Summer Solstice we will explore the sixth and seventh chakras. These chakras open us up to the higher realms, and the goddesses of light and the sun will be our inspiration.


Around the time of Lammas (Aug 2) we will focus on the Solar Plexus chakra. We will access the energies of the hot summer sun to explore our relationship with power by invoking the lion goddesses. In a separate workshop we will call forth the goddesses of the harvest and abundance to explore our relationship with food and nourishment.

For more information on my chakra work, click here.

Past Playshops:
Lammas Workshop: Receiving Nourishment, Energy, and Healing
- Saturday, July 28, 3:15p-5:30p

At this time of Lammas and the beginning of the harvest season, Willow, Kristina, and Rachel would like to invite you to explore the divine feminine and our relationship with receiving nourishment.

Willow will invoke Goddess archetypes of the first harvest, and activate the Shakti energy. Rachel will guide us in deepening movement and breath practices utilizing Kundalini Yoga, and Kristina will offer her exquisite sound healing to enhance our connection to ourselves and Spirit.

In this workshop you will receive spiritual nourishment, energy, and healing in the sacred circle of the goddess. All are welcome.

Opening to Angels

ABUNDANTIA is a Pan-European goddess of abundance. From Italy all the way up through the Celtic lands she was honored for her life-giving properties. Her Roman image depicted her carrying a cornucopia of golden coins, bringing abundance and prosperity to all. We must not forget that all wealth ultimately comes from the abundance of the earth and sun.

In her Northern manifestation she was mother and consort to the sun god. In the Lammas festival a woman representing the goddess would be seated upon a sacred throne. All the people of the village would gather the fruits and nuts from the forest, and grain from the fields and place them upon her lap, representing the abundance that comes from the goddess.

There are "Corn Mother" goddesses in numerous cultures around the world. In the western hemisphere "corn" refers to the indigenous maize plant, while in the old world it refers to any grain. These many corn mothers are often depicted with a basket full of corn.

SELU is the Cherokee name for the Corn Mother Goddess. In one myth of her, she is the mother of two sons that are always hungry. Every day she would take her basket to a magical hut and birth ears of corn into it.

- Sunday, April 15, 1-5 pm

Rebecca Finnoff and Willow Arlenea would like to invite you to another SHAKTI GODDESS playshop on Sunday April 15 from 1-5pm. The theme of this gathering is BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, where we will explore the cultural assumptions around beauty and how they affect our internal experience. We will begin by introducing goddesses of beauty in all stages of life, drawing upon archetypal characters from myths and stories. This will lead to an artistic and theatrical exploration of our own relationship with the perceived beauty and ugliness in our bodies and psyches. Join us in this empowering circle of women as we witness and celebrate the unique beauty in us all!

NUNGEENA is an Australian Aboriginal mother goddess who took on the task of restoring beauty to the world. She sent the beautiful lyre birds to eat the (evil spirit) insects and restore beauty.

Opening to AngelsSENGEN SANA is a Japanese goddess who makes the flowers bloom and oversees the cherry blossoms, which represent the beauty and fragility of life. She abides high up mount Fuji, to have a higher perspective on the cycles of life.

MAYA, derived from May, was a Hindu concept of the "miraculous power of the god and goddesses" coming together to create life. As the Brahmanic culture took hold, and all things of this world were distained, Maya became identified with the "illusion of this dimension of reality". Maya represents illusion because of her changing nature as a goddess. She does not stay in her blooming form forever, but passes through the wheel of life into old age.

Jan 22, 2012: Shakti Goddess GESTATING CREATIVITY Playshop
- Gestating Our Intentions For The New Year In The Second Chakra

In this playshop, we explored and embodied the Divine Feminine through movement, energy awareness, Goddess archetypes, and creative arts practices in a healing circle of women.

Opening to AngelsQUAN YIN is the Chinese goddess of compassion who emerged from Neolithic times as a great mother ocean goddess. She is depicted riding a sea-serpent dragon or a sea snail. It is said that Quan-Yin perpetually contemplated her own womb, which produced the entire world and all beings in it.

TIEN is the Chinese bird goddess that drops an egg into the primordial waters. It hatches the first man.

SULIS is the Celtic goddess associated with the warm springs in Bath, England. Have you ever wondered where our word "bath" came from? In these warm healing waters the egg of creativity can be nourished.

FRAU HOLLE the German mother goddess appeared as a frog with an apple in its mouth in early spring. The apple had fallen from the Tree-of-Life into the underworld pool.