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Goddess of the Fall


She is the great goddess of the Fall, Kali, Durga, Inanna, Persephone, Diana of the Hunt. During the times of the goddess culture, peoples all over the planet experienced the Great Mother bringing forth life in the springtime, and drawing it back into her underworld womb in the fall.

The Myths describe the divine son child of the Mother Earth as the god of the grain. In the Spring he grows upward, reaching for the sun, and after Summer Solstice he bends down, dying, returning to the womb of the goddess, which was depicted as a cauldron. The heat for the cauldron was the process of composting, breaking down all that was no longer needed and creating rich black soil to nourish the grain seed. At Winter Solstice the seed joins with the egg and germinates new life, to be reborn next spring.


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